Uma das novas coisas que têm surgido ultimamente são websites/empresas dos mais variados temas que nos oferecem um serviço de subscrição (mensal, 6 meses, anual... depende), onde recebemos caixas (de vários tamanhos) com um conteúdo recheado dos seus produtos. Há para todos os gostos... livros, coisas fofinhas, doces, enfim...
Como aficionada que sou pelo Japão, claro está... conheço alguns destes serviços que nos aliciam com brilhantes e adoráveis pacotes de deliciosos doces/salgados japoneses (entre outras coisas). :3
Eles já existiam, mas fizeram uma pausa de uns meses e voltaram agora em força! Tanto que, pela sua 'Grand Reopening' (Grande Reabertura), estão com 20% de desconto na subscrição dos planos de 6 e 12 meses!!! Aproveitem! ^^
Para quem não conhece, a WOWBOX tem quatro tipos de caixas temáticas disponíveis! Vamos dar uma espreita?
Kawaii & Beauty (Fofo & Belo) - Uma caixinha cheia de coisas adoráveis. Embalagens extremamente fofas e que nos mimam os olhos, bem como produtos saudáveis e de baixas calorias. Ah! E ainda, alguns produtos especiais relacionados com a beleza! _へ__(‾◡◝ )>
New & Limited (Novo & Limitado) - Produtos novíssimos em folha! Todos os novos produtos que vão chegando às prateleiras das lojas japonesas, vêm também directamente para nós basicamente ao mesmo tempo, antes sequer que esgotem por terras nipónicas! Pois tudo o que é novidade por lá, relativamente a doces e snacks, esgota num abrir e fechar de olhos. (✿☉。☉)Oh!
Dagashi - Dagashi são pequeninas guloseimas que as crianças japonesas costumavam (e ainda costumam) comprar depois da escola. Doces ou salgados, macios ou rijos... a caixa Dagashi transporta-nos para uma infância que não a nossa, a infância de uma qualquer criança japonesa e assim poderemos saber o que foi (e ainda é) o deleite da maioria dos japoneses nos seus tempos onde a brincadeira era o mais importante. Portanto... uma caixinha recheada de guloseimas old school mas também dos Dagashi actuais! ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
Se clicarem no nome de cada caixa, terão acesso directo à página correspondente a cada uma para mais detalhes das caixinhas e informações de subscrição. ^^
E como podem perceber pelo título deste post, está a decorrer um Giveaway onde 5 sortudos vão poder ganhar uma WOWBOX de graça!!! Para concorrerem, basta acederem Aqui e seguirem alguns passos. Facílimo. ٩(。•ω•。)و✧
Tenho ainda o privilégio de anunciar que a WOWBOX permite-me conceder a todos os meus leitores o código de um cupão com 10% de desconto! Ou seja, todos vocês que queiram subscrever qualquer plano da WOWBOX neste preciso momento... terão 10% de desconto no valor da subscrição, ao apresentarem este código - grand_wowbox - que é válido até dia 30 de Setembro! ^^
Por último, dêem uma olhadela no website da WOWBOX - - para muito mais informações e deleitarem-se com as delícias que podem adquirir.
Acompanhem também a WOWBOX nas suas redes sociais!
So, dear followers...
One of the new things that has been poping up lately are websites/enterprises of the most varied themes that offers us their subscription services (monthly, 6 months, annual... depends), where we receive boxes (of various sizes) with a stuffed content of their products. There is something for everyone... books, cutie things, treats, oh well...
Fond as I am for Japan, of course... I know some of these services that entice us with shiny and lovely packages of delicious japanese sweets/snacks (among other things). :3
The WOWBOX, unfortunately, it was unknown to me. I found it the day before yesterday but however I'm already very interested!
They already existed but paused for few months and now they're back in force! So much that, for the Grand Reopening, them are with 20% discount on the subscription of 6 and 12 months plans !!! Enjoy! ^^
To everyone who don't know, WOWBOX have four types of thematic boxes available! Let's take a look?
Fun & Tasty - All the funny, delicious and weird sweets and snacks that Japan as known for... are inside of this box! Including the well known DIY (Do it yourself) snacks to the treats related with Anime (not only that)! ~ KUMAMOOOOOOON!!! (((((੭ु´・ω・`)੭ु⁾⁾ ( ◍ʘ㉦ʘ◍ )!?!
Kawaii & Beauty - A box full of adorable things. Extremely cute packagings that pampers our eyes, as well as healthy and low-calorie products. Oh! And yet, some special products related to beauty! _へ__(‾◡◝ )>
New & Limited - The brand new products! All the new products that arrives to Japanese stores' shelves, also come directly to us basically at the same time, even before to be sold out on Japanese land! Because all that is new there, regarding to sweets and snacks... runs out in a blink. (✿☉。☉)Oh!
Dagashi - Dagashi are small treats that Japanese children used (and still does) to buy after school. Candies or snacks, soft or hard... the Dagashi box take us to a childhood than not ours, the childhood of any Japanese child so we can know what was (and still is) the delight of most Japanese in their times where to play was the most important thing. So... a stuffed box of old school goodies but also with the current Dagashi! ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
If you click in each box's name you'll have direct access to each corresponding page to has more details and subscription infos of the boxes. ^^
And as you can figure by the post's title, it's running a Giveaway where 5 lucky people will can win a free WOWBOX!!! To compete, you just have to access Here and follow some steps. Very easy. ٩(。•ω•。)و✧
I have yet the privilege to announce that WOWBOX allows me to give all my readers the code of a 10% discount coupon! Which means, all of you who want to subscribe to any WOWBOX plan right now ... will have 10% discount on the subscription's value in presenting this code - grand_wowbox - which is valid until 30th September! ^^
Last but not least, take a look at the website of WOWBOX - - for a lot more information and regale themselves with the delights that you can acquire.
One of the new things that has been poping up lately are websites/enterprises of the most varied themes that offers us their subscription services (monthly, 6 months, annual... depends), where we receive boxes (of various sizes) with a stuffed content of their products. There is something for everyone... books, cutie things, treats, oh well...
Fond as I am for Japan, of course... I know some of these services that entice us with shiny and lovely packages of delicious japanese sweets/snacks (among other things). :3
They already existed but paused for few months and now they're back in force! So much that, for the Grand Reopening, them are with 20% discount on the subscription of 6 and 12 months plans !!! Enjoy! ^^
To everyone who don't know, WOWBOX have four types of thematic boxes available! Let's take a look?
Kawaii & Beauty - A box full of adorable things. Extremely cute packagings that pampers our eyes, as well as healthy and low-calorie products. Oh! And yet, some special products related to beauty! _へ__(‾◡◝ )>
New & Limited - The brand new products! All the new products that arrives to Japanese stores' shelves, also come directly to us basically at the same time, even before to be sold out on Japanese land! Because all that is new there, regarding to sweets and snacks... runs out in a blink. (✿☉。☉)Oh!
Dagashi - Dagashi are small treats that Japanese children used (and still does) to buy after school. Candies or snacks, soft or hard... the Dagashi box take us to a childhood than not ours, the childhood of any Japanese child so we can know what was (and still is) the delight of most Japanese in their times where to play was the most important thing. So... a stuffed box of old school goodies but also with the current Dagashi! ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
If you click in each box's name you'll have direct access to each corresponding page to has more details and subscription infos of the boxes. ^^
And as you can figure by the post's title, it's running a Giveaway where 5 lucky people will can win a free WOWBOX!!! To compete, you just have to access Here and follow some steps. Very easy. ٩(。•ω•。)و✧
I have yet the privilege to announce that WOWBOX allows me to give all my readers the code of a 10% discount coupon! Which means, all of you who want to subscribe to any WOWBOX plan right now ... will have 10% discount on the subscription's value in presenting this code - grand_wowbox - which is valid until 30th September! ^^
Last but not least, take a look at the website of WOWBOX - - for a lot more information and regale themselves with the delights that you can acquire.
Acompanhem também a WOWBOX nas suas redes sociais!
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